Donate a Computer

Donate a computer to WUCP! Donating your old or new computer, Laptop or other computer equipment is extremely simple. Your Computer Donation is completely tax-deductible and will make an amazing difference to families in need throughout the United States & 3rd world countries. We accept Pentium 4 and above Computer Donations to benefit numerous charities and families

Charitable Events

WUCP works with all communities, families, local and national associations. Unfortunately, there are millions of children around the world who are starving, scorched by diseases, torn by natural disasters, exploited child laborers and are abused by the spoils of their nations. Poverty undermines the physical, social, intellectual and emotional development of children. Poverty drives children into hazardous labor. As a result of poverty, malnutrition, and poor sanitary conditions, many die before their fifth birthday..

Community Fundraising

WUCP is a private charitable organization. Its sole source of finance is by the membership fee, donations from philanthropic organizations, grants from governments, corporations and private foundations. WUCP will also launch fundraising campaigns such as cultural shows, hosting of dinner parties, lotteries and other appropriate means of sources. WUCP also accepts volunteers and material support. It has tax-exempt status. Please support the mission of WUCP to help and change the lives of thousands of children of the..