Take Action

You can speak out for children in need by clicking on the links below to take action on current critical issues affecting children.

Take action now on behalf of the nearly 2 million children that die each year from pneumonia by advocating for the Newborn, Child and Mother Survival Act.

The Newborn, Child and Mother Survival Act and the Global Child Survival Act of 2009 would recommit the United States to lead the way in improving children’s and mothers’ health by developing & implementing an integrated, comprehensive strategy that includes protection, prevention and treatment of pneumonia.

End Global Hunger: Ask Your Member of Congress to Co-Sponsor H.R. 2817, the Roadmap to End Global Hunger and Promote Food Security Act of 2009

Representatives Jim McGovern (D-MA) and Jo Ann Emerson (R-MO), Co-Chairs of the House Hunger Caucus, have introduced comprehensive legislation to address global hunger and improve food security. Called The Roadmap to End Global Hunger and Promote Food Security Act of 2009, the bill is based on the recommendations of “The Roadmap to End Global Hunger,” a report released in February by Save the Children and a broad-based coalition of nonprofit organizations. Help stop global hunger by urging your U.S. Representative to co-sponsor the Roadmap to End Global Hunger and Promote Food Security Act of 2009 (H.R. 2817).

Urge Congress to Support More Funding for Early Childhood Development Programs in the U.S. and developing countries around the world
Early childhood education is a proven investment in economic prosperity, social development and the survival and well-being of children and their families. Yet alarming numbers of children are at risk of failure in primary school — both in the United States and overseas. Please tell your Senators and Representative to ensure early childhood development programs are amply funded both at home and abroad.

If there is one thing we’ve learned from the past decade, it’s that disasters can strike at any moment. But even more frightening is the fact that in most states the needs of children are largely ignored during a disaster, leaving them even more vulnerable to its effects. Save the Children has developed a five-point-plan, with real steps that can take to protect children before, during and after a disaster. Help us tell Congress and the Obama Administration that children need protection by signing our petition and letting your voice be heard.